速報APP / 教育 / Periodic Table

Periodic Table





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Periodic Table(圖1)-速報App

Although there are several apps available in the Play Store for resourcing massive amounts of information about the elements of the periodic table...

--- This app is specifically designed to 'teach' you all 118 elements using 'Flashcards' in an easy to use graphical interface. (Perfect for students.)

- Use the drop-down menus to choose what works best for you:

A) 10 elements per deck. (10 elements at a time makes learning more efficient)

Periodic Table(圖2)-速報App

B) By element category, noble gases, etc.

C) Or all 118 elements at once, a single deck in the order of the periodic table.

- The graphical interface displays Atomic #, symbol, element name, etc.

* The flashcards have two sides: Front-Side & Back-Side.

Periodic Table(圖3)-速報App

- The 'Back-Side' shows all data related to that particular element.

- On the 'Front-Side', you can customize the info; see only what 'you' want to see. For example, start off using just the atomic number, then flip through the cards to learn each element. Your configuration 'Saves' automatically.

- Once you think you have a deck memorized, touch the 'Shuffle' button. This will shuffle the current deck. Test your knowledge and see how you do.

Flip back and forth, from element to element until you have each section memorized. Switching between each element or each flashcard deck is very easy to do, and user-friendly.

Periodic Table(圖4)-速報App

Learn the elements of the periodic table. This Android App makes it easy and fun.

Periodic Table(圖5)-速報App